Migrate cards to new schema

Home/Blog/Migrate cards to new schema
We are working on our Whitelisting process with AtomicHub. This takes some time and may cause some changes along the way. If you have already opened some packs at this point, you will want to migrate your cards from the old cards schema to our new card schema. This is a one time migration that will update the image url and make sure all the cards show up in the correct schema.
To do this, you just need to transfer the card assets to our contract with a specific memo, then the contract will burn the old card and mint a new version of the NFT with the exact same traits.

Detailed Steps

How to migrate your cards:

1. Go to your collection

Go to your AtomicHub collection and filter by the Dark Emblem collection (darkemblemc1) and look for cards in the cards schema:
Example link: https://wax.atomichub.io/profile/<YOUR_WAX_NAME>?collection_name=darkemblemc1&order=desc&schema_name=cards&sort=transferred#inventory
Make sure to unselect "Only Whitelisted NFTs".
View your cards

2. Select all your Dark Emblem NFTs

Select all your Dark Emblem card NFTs. There is a little checkbox next to each card.
Select your cards

3. Start a transfer

Click Actions -> Transfer.
Actions Transfer

4. Set up the transfer

Set the To field to "darkemblems1". It may say "No results found".
Set the memo to migrate. This is very important. Without this memo, the contract will not mint your NFTs.
Double check the above inputs, they are case sensitive.
Run the migration

5. Send the transfer

Sign your transfer. Once the contract receives your NFTs, it will burn them and remint them in the new schema.
Thanks for working with us while we are going through the whitelisting process.