Testnet Details
Get ready to participate in the Dark Emblem testnet by following these easy steps!
Step 1: Install Anchor
Anchor will allow you to interact with dApps - blockchain based applications.
You can download Anchor for free on their site.
Once installed, open up Anchor on your computer and set up a master password.
Never share your password to anyone, not even members of the Dark Emblem team.
Step 2: Create a Testnet Account
We need to create an account on the WAX testnet blockchain. To do this, go to waxsweden to create an account.
Save the credentials you are given (and remember your name!), you will need the active private key later.
Never share your private keys to anyone.
Step 3: Set up Anchor
Go back to Anchor and go to "Manage Blockchains". Add "WAX Testnet".
Now click "Import and Existing Account". Scroll down to "Import Manually". The auto-import feature doesn't work with the testnet.
Type the name you used to create the account, set your permission name to "Active", and paste your active private key from Step 2.
Step 4: Get some testnet WAXP
You'll need some actual WAXP to buy packs and $DREM on the Dark Emblem dApp.
Go back to waxsweden and scroll down to "How to get some tokens". Enter your account name from Step 2 and your account will be sent testnet WAXP.
Step 5: Log in to Dark Emblem
Now you can go to Dark Emblem and log in with your Anchor wallet!
Step 6: Test out the Testnet
Now you can use Anchor to sign transactions! This means you can go to Dark Emblem and buy packs, convert your WAX to $DREM, and ascend/transmogrify cards!
Try it out! We are excited to hear your feedback!